CLC Genomics Workbench 12 Full Download (crack included)

CLC Genomics Workbench 12 Full Download (crack included)
CLC Genomics Workbench is a powerful solution that works for everyone, no matter the workflow. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, unique features and  algorithms widely used by scientific leaders in industry and academia to overcome challenges associated with data analysis.

Comprehensive NGS data analysis
User-friendly bioinformatics software solutions allow for comprehensive analysis of your NGS data, including whole genome and transcriptome de novo assembly, targeted resequencing analysis, variant calling, ChIP-seq and DNA methylation (bisulfite sequencing analysis).
Uncover critical correlations between microbiota, its metagenome, and host. Making sense of complex metagenomic data becomes easy through tools and streamlined analysis workflows for taxonomic and functional microbiome analysis.
Supported NGS platforms are Illumina, IonTorrent, PacBio and GeneReader.
RNA-seq and small RNA (miRNA, lncRNA) transcriptomics workflows for differential expression analysis at gene and transcript levels.

New: Biomedical Genomics Analysis 1.0
Installing this plugin on a CLC Genomics Workbench provides the functionality formerly available by running a Biomedical Genomics Workbench and installing the now-retired plugin, QIAseq Targeted Panel Analysis. Get access to biomedical ready-to-use workflows, QIAseq analysis tools and workflows, or the GeneRead analysis tools and workflows.
Biomedical workflows for human, mouse and rat genomics include Hereditary disease workflows (trio analysis) and oncology somatic mutation detection workflows for FFPE or liquid biopsy (single sample or tumor-normal matched samples) and include sensitive detection of SNPs, MNVs, InDels, Tandem Repeats, Structural Variants, Fusion Genes and CNVs. Annotation with conservation scores and filtering steps on dbSNP, ClinVar are included.

CLC Genomics Workbench supports the complete resequencing pipeline for detecting and comparing genetic variants. When dealing with high sample volumes efficient algorithms reduce run time while customizable analysis workflows and batch processing shorten hands-on time to a minimum.
CLC Genomics Workbench allows you to focus on the biological interpretation of detected variants.
The first step in resequencing is accurate read mapping. Our algorithm is optimized for high-quality mapping of large data volumes in a fast and memory-efficient way.
The algorithm offers comprehensive support for a variety of data formats, including both short and long reads, and all flavors of paired read data regardless of insert size or read orientation. It also supports the use of hybrid data sets. Local realignment can drastically reduce false positive detection rates for certain variant types. Our goal is to reduce your manual work and focus on deriving biological meaningful results from raw NGS reads.
Workflows streamline selected tools into one analysis. Workflows can be run in batch making them a powerful tool for processing large numbers of samples with minimal user interventions. You can easily set up your own workflows and create and share workflow installer files with colleagues or other researchers following your scientific publications. Commercial add-ons introduce preconfigured example workflows to get you from data to publication faster.

Uncover critical correlations between microbiota, its metagenome, and host. Making sense of complex metagenomic data becomes easy through tools and streamlined analysis workflows for taxonomic and functional microbiome analysis. With commercial add-ons like CLC Microbial Genomics Module (hyperlink) the workbench turns into a leading solution for microbiologists.
And there is more:
With CLC Genomics Workbench you can enjoy more tools that belong into every bioinformatician’s repertoire. Enjoy a rich set of phylogenetic tools, create your own BLAST Searches, design PCR or real-time PCR primers, and take advantage of 10 years of molecular biology tool development.


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