Download Geneious Prime 2019.1 Floating Version (with crack)

Download Geneious Prime 2019.1 Floating Version (with crack)
We at Geneious believe that a mastery of biology can make the world a better place, from human, animal, and plant health, to bioengineering of cleaner industrial inputs and better environmental management. Geneious bioinformatics solutions are created from deep expertise and imagination and empower customers by turning the difficult into the intuitive and easy.

Organizations working in a wide range of sectors such as pharma, diagnostics, and agroscience use Geneious Prime to improve the efficiency of teams and unlock the value of sequence data.
Students, academics, and government professionals use Geneious Prime in a multitude of research disciplines, due to the comprehensive nature of its operations.

NGS Analysis and Genomics
De novo assembly or reference mapping of Illumina, PacBio, or Ion Torrent reads, using industry leading algorithms, including TopHat and Velvet.
Comprehensive analysis of data, including genome browser, contig visualization, SNP calling, and RNA-Seq expression analysis.

Sequence and Chromatogram Analysis
Trim, assemble, and view Sanger sequencing trace files. Automatic annotation for gene prediction, motifs, translation, and variant calling.
Genotype microsatellite traces with automated ladder fitting and peak calling and generate tables of alleles.

Alignment and Tree Building
Perform pairwise and multiple alignments using trusted algorithms, including MAFFT and ClustalW. View and edit alignments with real-time translation and highlighting.
Build phylogenetic trees using peer-reviewed algorithms, including RAxML and PAUP*.

Molecular Cloning and Primer Design
View plasmid maps, automatically annotate vectors, and copy-paste sequences with annotations. Find restriction sites; digest, ligate, and perform Golden Gate, Gibson, and Gateway cloning.
Design primers, find CRISPR sites, and optimize codons. Track history and parent descendant lineage throughout cloning processes.

Searching, Sharing and Automation
Batch BLAST against NCBI and directly search GenBank. Import and export most industry standard file formats.
Setup automated workflows to increase efficiency, control processes, and reduce human error in your research.


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