NuSphere PhpED 19.1 Professional Version Download (with crack)

NuSphere PhpED 19.1 Professional Version Download (with crack)
PhpED is the Integrated Development Environment for PHP (PHP IDE), HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML and other.
Balanced combination of advanced code editor, reliable dbg debugger, productive database connectivity client and fast and secure deployment abilities make PhpED a complete solution for most sophisticated developer needs.
As in any complicated process, in php development a great deal of effectiveness depends on your choice of production tools. According to our customers, PhpED 19.1 saves up to 75% of development time.
PhpED is the leading PHP IDE with Advanced PHP Editor, PHP Debugger and PHP Profiler, Code Insight, Database Client, Integrated Help System, full support for JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML, SMARTY, XHTML and other. The features available in PhpED bring you unmatched number of great PHP Tools

Advanced Editor
Full support for PHP versions from 4.3 to 7.3 in IDE and the Editor - from functions and local variables to namespaces and aliases
Dynamic Syntax Highlighting Flash Demo
The editor will automatically switch the syntax highlighting dependant on the position in the file. The strength of PHP is in ability to embed it in the other documents, like HTML. However, sometimes the document becomes too crowded with the lines of code from multiple languages. Auto-switch feature will let you focus on the code and the language that you are currently working on. It will only highlight those parts of the document, which are written in the same language as the current position of the cursor and deem the rest of the text. The editor will switch between php, html, smarty, css and javascript, depending on the type of the file.
Multiple Language Syntax Highlighting Flash Demo
Code sensitive syntax color highlighter gives you the ability to have separate highlighting for different languages in the same file. Highlighting for each language is of course fully configurable in PhpED's settings.
Auto Highlight variable
System highlights all occurrences of a variable in the Editor, when PHP variable is selected. Also highlighted are open/close HTML tags
Code Folding Flash Demo
Selectively hide and display sections of a currently-edited file. PHP IDE displays the collapsible regions of the code with folding marks. Works for PHP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS and other.
Support for all HTML standards - 3.2, 4.0, xhtml, 5.0
Fast search
Modal non-blocking search in background, starts from the top after full cycle. Fast Search shortcut
Fast File Open
Open a file in seconds even in multi-thousand files project using PHP IDE's Fast File Open feature
Diff viewer
Shows side by side difference between the file in the editor and local and remote copies
Worksets Flash Demo
Make multiple snapshots of your current Editor context and switch to and from them at any time. Learn more about PHP IDE Worksets
More editor features
Bookmarks and comments tab, transparent highling and more of PHP Editor Tools

Code Insight Flash Demo
Code Completion. Dynamically provides the available properties and methods for a given variable or class, and automatically concludes partially typed keywords. Code completion works for JavaScript, HTML and CSS too. It shows properties for tags, classes and attributes. Flash Demo
Tool tips and Instant error analysis for Php, JavaScript, HTML and CSS make coding an easy task - no more simple mistakes and typos.
Full control over different versions - select which parser to use for any PHP version or HTML and CSS - including HTML5 and CSS3
Project-wide code explorer in PhpED IDE shows all php, javascript classes, methods, properties, functions and variables in every detail and facilitates object-oriented programming. Also supported: HTML and CSS.
Hints show you arguments and returning value for a just typed function, as well as a short description for them.
Fast functions reference shows you all the PHP functions as they are available from PHP extensions. Nested calls are supported with unlimited nesting level.
Code intelisense JavaScript - with full support for ECMA262 features.
Code completion for projects that use jQuery and extJS popular JavaScript libraries.
Code intelisense HTML Tags - IDE automatically adds closing bracket when you type in HTML tag
Auto Add HTML attributes - IDE automatically displays required attributes when the tag is entered
Code intelisense CSS - with support for CSS3 features
PHP, HTML, and CSS code Validator
PhpED's built-in code Validator checks out the syntax in PHP, HTML and CSS code and displays the error - both in the PHP editor and error bar. PHP IDE finds all errors that will cause problems during execution - e.g. missing semicolons, open brackets, missing quotes etc. HTML sections of the code are checked for unmatched tags and/or attributes, which are not supported in the corresponding version of HTML standard, missing re quired attributes, open quotes etc. Learn the details of the Code Validator here.
Find usage - Simple click to find all places where selected function, method or class are used in the Project.


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