FontExplorer X Pro 6.0 Full Version Download (crack keygen)

FontExplorer X Pro 6.0 Full Version Download (crack keygen)
Enhanced Font Classification with new user interface and sub-categories to help you find just the right font more quickly. The new classifications are supported by smart set filters and the font list search feature. Automatically classify fonts that are available in the Monotype libraries (an internet connection is required), manually classify fonts or create your own custom classifications. Classifications that were applied/created with previous versions of FontExplorer X Pro will be available after an upgrade.

Added Japanese as a user interface language which will automatically be set if your OS language is Japanese. If you would like to work with FontExplorer X Pro in Japanese while your OS is set to another language, please follow these steps:
1) Quit FontExplorer X Pro if it is running;
2) Start the Terminal application (/Application/Utilities/;
3) Enter the following command (without the start and end quote) at the prompt: “defaults write com.linotype.FontExplorerX AppleLanguages "(Japanese)”;” followed by the enter key;
4) Start FontExplorer X Pro; 5) To reset the language, enter the following command (without the outer quotes) in the Terminal application: “defaults delete com.linotype.FontExplorerX AppleLanguages;”

Localised font information (if available in a font) can be shown for the following languages:
Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish.
The setting can be turned on in the “General” panel of the FontExplorer X Pro Preferences and the language shown will be determined by the “Preferred language” setting of your OS.

The Enhanced Font Tile View lets you set the text to the first two letters of the font name, view detailed font information on mouse over, add rounded corners, foreground and background color and even gradually change the background color between the first and last tile by selecting a “blend to” color.
In addition to exporting font information from the font list as text, it can now be exported from the local or server font list as a CSV document with options for defining the separator and the text encoding.
When updating your version of FontExplorer X Pro a backup of your font database file (FontExplorer X.fexsdb) will automatically be created. The file is located in the directory /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/Linotype/FontExplorer X/ and is named “FontExplorer X auto backup xx to yy [date/timestamp].fexdb. xx and yy represent the internal database version number. Should it be necessary to restore a backed up database file, simply rename it to “FontExplorer X.fexdb”.
The new Font Tile View provides font previews composed of selected character sets. These previews are particularly helpful for customers evaluating type based on one or two select characters (e.g. a designer looking for typefaces containing a capital A without a crossbar for a logo that needs a futuristic feel.) The larger, artistic showings also provide a fun, alternative way to browse type.
Font size, style linking, grouping of font families or any other type of font information - FontExplorer X Pro lets you decide what you want to see and what you don't. With FontExplorer X Pro 5 we have placed all the available options in the list view - right where you need it.
While this may be a fundamental feature of any font management application, FontExplorer X Pro tackles this task with uncommon ease. Whether you select a single font, a group of Fonts, a Set or a Smart Set, activation or deactivation is only a checkbox away. And yes, you can also use a key combination. Select "Activate" from the menu or right-click to start the task.


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