Redshift 2.6 Floating Edition Download Full (with crack)

Redshift 2.6 Floating Edition Download Full (with crack)
Redshift is a powerful GPU-accelerated renderer, built to meet the specific demands of contemporary high-end production rendering. Tailored to support creative individuals and studios of every size, Redshift offers a suite of powerful features and integrates with industry standard CG applications.
Redshift has the features and uncompromising quality of a CPU renderer, but at GPU rendering speeds. Unlike other GPU renderers out there, Redshift is a biased renderer that allows the user to adjust the quality of individual techniques in order to get the best performance/quality balance for their production.

Redshift supports complex, advanced shading networks and texturing capabilities as required for production-quality rendering.
Choose from a wide variety of light types. All lights are multiple importance sampled for the cleanest results using the fewest samples. Redshift also supports per-object light/shadow linking for great artistic control.
Redshift supports all commonly used camera types, as well advanced controls for physical camera effects.
Redshift supports a comprehensive set of AOVs for the most demanding post-production compositing needs.

Hair and Fur
Support of the Houdini curve primitives, that are extracted as efficient Redshift hair objects.

Houdini primitives
Automatic and configurable tessellation of the Houdini primitive surfaces (primitives, nurbs, etc.).

Direct rendering of OpenVDB files and the Houdini Volume and VDB primitives. Support of volume instancing and velocity grids.

Render of any kind of Houdini primitive as Redshift strands.

Support of the Houdini instancing, including the Instance OBJ node, and the "instance" and "instancepath" attributes, extracted as mesh instances or particle point clouds.

Non-GUI Tools
The plugin is compatible with all the Houdini non-GUI tools (hython, hscript, etc.) and includes a set of custom HScript commands to control the renderer.

Mograph Cloner
Extensive support for Cinema 4D's geometry objects including Instances, Generators, Deformers, Cloners and MoGraph objects.

Particle Instancing
Support for powerful built-in particle instancing and per-particle attributes.


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